<p><strong>New Delhi:</strong> In a major security breach reported in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday afternoon, two men jumped into the chamber from the public gallery and opened smoke canisters, triggering panic among the parliamentarians. </p> <p>Similarly, in another incident, their accomplices sprayed coloured gas from canisters and shouted slogans "Tanashahi Nahi Chalegi" (dictatorship will not be allowed), "Bharat Mata Ki Jai" and "Jai Bheem, Jai Bharat" outside the Parliament building.</p> <p>According to PTI, six people hailing from different cities got together and hatched a plan to intrude into Parliament on the anniversary of the December 13, 2001 attack on Wednesday.</p> <div class="vJOb1e aIfcHf qlOiDc"> <div class="iRPxbe"> <div class="GI74Re nDgy9d">Five accused have been detained and an investigation is underway. The sixth accused is still on the run.</div> <div class="GI74Re nDgy9d"> <h3>How Parliament Visitor Passes Are Issued</h3> </div> <div class="GI74Re nDgy9d"> <p>The entry of visitors (strangers in Parliament parlance) are governed by Rule 386 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha.</p> <p>The issuance of visitor passes for Parliament is regulated by orders set by the Speaker, and the same rules apply to both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.</p> <p>The rule, which deals with “admission, withdrawal and removal of strangers”, states that “the admission of strangers during the sittings of the House to those portions of the House which are not reserved for the exclusive use of members shall be regulated in accordance with orders made by the Speaker.”</p> <p>While applying for visitors' cards, members have to give a certificate stating, "The above-named visitor is my relative/personal friend/known to me personally, and I take full responsibility for him/her".</p> <p>All visitors have to carry a Photo Identity Card for security reasons.</p> <p>According to the rules, “a member can apply for a visitor’s card for a person who is known to him personally or in select cases for those who have been introduced to the member by a person who is personally known to him. It is in the latter class of cases that members are to exercise utmost care.”</p> <p>However, under the regulations, “Members are advised to bear in mind that they are responsible for any untoward incident or undesirable thing happening in the galleries as a result of anything done by holders of cards issued at the request of such members.”</p> </div> <div class="GI74Re nDgy9d"> <h3><strong>What Does The Lok Sabha Handbook Say About Visitor Passes?</strong></h3> </div> <div class="GI74Re nDgy9d"> <p>According to the 'handbook for Lok Sabha members,' all MPs requesting visitor passes must give a declaration that they know the guest personally and take full responsibility for him or her.</p> <p>In the application form submitted by MPs for visitors, they need to provide details such as the visitor's name in full, age, father's or husband's name, nationality, and passport number (for foreigners only), and details of occupation, among other things, reported PTI.</p> </div> </div> </div> <p>Details of occupation of the husband (in the case of housewives only), full permanent address and state, and full Delhi address are also required. As per the handbook, the members have to provide a certificate on the application form for the visitor card stating, "The above-named visitor is my relation/personal friend/known to me personally and I take full responsibility for her/him."</p> <p>Visitors' cards for the public gallery are issued for the guests of Lok Sabha members on the day before the visit on applications from members on yellow forms available in the Centralised Pass Issue Cell, according to the PTI report.</p> <p>The application for visitors' card should contain the name of not more than four guests of a member and the application should reach the Centralised Pass Issue Cell not later than 4 pm on the working day before the date for which the card is required. "Not more than four visitors' cards will be issued to a member for a particular day for fixed hour(s) and complete particulars of the visitors may be furnished in the application forms for issue of visitors' cards, failing which the visitors' cards may not be issued," the handbook states.</p> <p>Visitors' cards on same-day applications from members on red forms available in the Centralised Pass Issue Cell are issued subject to observance of certain conditions.</p> <p>The applications for same-day visitors' cards should be made to the secretary general as early as possible on the date for which they are required and such applications should be delivered at the Centralised Pass Issue Cell. "For getting same-day passes issued, the Deputy Leader or the Whip of the Party, whosoever is authorised by the Party, should recommend the issue of same-day passes on the application form," the handbook says.</p> <p>The member is also required to take the visitor to the concerned joint secretary or additional secretary for the purpose, it states.</p> <p>Same-day visitors' cards are delivered to the member, who is required to sign the register maintained for this purpose.</p>
from Loksabha Security Breach: Who is responsible for the conspiracy inside parliament? | ABP News https://ift.tt/hgNT8zQ
from Loksabha Security Breach: Who is responsible for the conspiracy inside parliament? | ABP News https://ift.tt/hgNT8zQ