New Delhi: A tragic incident unfolded in Gurugram's Arjun Nagar where four people, including a child, died as a wall of a crematorium collapsed on them on Saturday evening. It is reported that the wall of the gate behind the cremation ground in Madanpuri collapsed. Rescue operations are underway in the area.
Reports indicate that six individuals, including two children, were buried under the debris. Four people lost their lives in the accident. The administration team and officials have arrived at the scene and are actively engaged in removing the debris.
CCTV footage of the incident has emerged, revealing a group of individuals seated on chairs along the street adjacent to the wall. Suddenly, the wall collapses, burying them under debris. In a panic, they attempt to flee but are unable to escape in time. Nearby individuals rush to assist, working to remove the debris and aid those affected by the event.
#WATCH | Haryana: Four people, including a child, died when the walls of a crematorium collapsed on them in Arjun Nagar, Gurugram today. Their postmortem is being done. Police investigation is underway and further action will be taken.
— ANI (@ANI) April 20, 2024
#WATCH | Haryana: Rescue operations are underway in Gurugram's Arjun Nagar where four people, including a child, died as a wall of a crematorium collapsed on them earlier today.
— ANI (@ANI) April 20, 2024
The individuals trapped under the debris of the cremation ground wall were promptly rushed to a private hospital in Gurugram for treatment. Pappu, Krishna, Manoj, and a young girl named Khushboo succumbed to their injuries during treatment. The incident occurred between 5:30 and 6:00 pm near the Arjun Nagar police post, where the 18-foot-high wall of the cremation ground collapsed unexpectedly.
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Gurugram Police responded to the scene, conducting investigations and taking custody of the bodies. Abhisher, present at the site, revealed that wooden supports had been installed along the wall, causing it to weaken. As some individuals sat against the wall and children played nearby, the structure collapsed suddenly, resulting in the incident.
Reports indicate that six individuals, including two children, were buried under the debris. Four people lost their lives in the accident. The administration team and officials have arrived at the scene and are actively engaged in removing the debris.
CCTV footage of the incident has emerged, revealing a group of individuals seated on chairs along the street adjacent to the wall. Suddenly, the wall collapses, burying them under debris. In a panic, they attempt to flee but are unable to escape in time. Nearby individuals rush to assist, working to remove the debris and aid those affected by the event.
#WATCH | Haryana: Four people, including a child, died when the walls of a crematorium collapsed on them in Arjun Nagar, Gurugram today. Their postmortem is being done. Police investigation is underway and further action will be taken.
— ANI (@ANI) April 20, 2024
#WATCH | Haryana: Rescue operations are underway in Gurugram's Arjun Nagar where four people, including a child, died as a wall of a crematorium collapsed on them earlier today.
— ANI (@ANI) April 20, 2024
The individuals trapped under the debris of the cremation ground wall were promptly rushed to a private hospital in Gurugram for treatment. Pappu, Krishna, Manoj, and a young girl named Khushboo succumbed to their injuries during treatment. The incident occurred between 5:30 and 6:00 pm near the Arjun Nagar police post, where the 18-foot-high wall of the cremation ground collapsed unexpectedly.
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Gurugram Police responded to the scene, conducting investigations and taking custody of the bodies. Abhisher, present at the site, revealed that wooden supports had been installed along the wall, causing it to weaken. As some individuals sat against the wall and children played nearby, the structure collapsed suddenly, resulting in the incident.