t Gen Vinod Khandare reacts to the BrahMos Missile Deal LIVE, EXCLUSIVE on ABP News. During the Lok Sabha Election 2024 rallies, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been constantly attacking the Congress by saying that there was a pattern of stalling and diverting policies during the UPA Government. A significant disclosure about the BrahMos Missile has surfaced—the export file was pending for a long time, and the BrahMos team's tour of the Philippines was halted.
The former Air Force Chief claims that the BrahMos missile could not be exported due to a lack of timely decisions in the UPA government. In 2014, before the formation of the Modi government, the team of BrahMos Aerospace scheduled to go to the Philippines was stopped.
The former Air Force Chief claims that the BrahMos missile could not be exported due to a lack of timely decisions in the UPA government. In 2014, before the formation of the Modi government, the team of BrahMos Aerospace scheduled to go to the Philippines was stopped.