Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday launched an all-out attack on Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, saying the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convener has a long list of pending corruption cases against him, with the probe into the Delhi excise policy 2021-22 being only the tip of the iceberg.
Accusing Kejriwal of multiple flip-flops, he said, “On odd days, he speaks about corruption, but on even days he makes alliances with corrupt people. On odd days, he says he is the maalik of Delhi, but on even days he dreams about becoming the maalik of the country. He seeks resignations from others on odd days, but does not resign himself even in jail on even days.”
Accusing Kejriwal of multiple flip-flops, he said, “On odd days, he speaks about corruption, but on even days he makes alliances with corrupt people. On odd days, he says he is the maalik of Delhi, but on even days he dreams about becoming the maalik of the country. He seeks resignations from others on odd days, but does not resign himself even in jail on even days.”