Bihar BJP expels Bhojpuri singer Pawan Singh for contesting Lok Sabha elections against NDA's official candidate, as an independent candidate. Pawan Singh had earlier announced his decision to contest from Karakat Lok Sabha constituency as an Independent candidate.
In a letter issued by state headquarters in-charge Arvind Sharma, it has been said that in the Lok Sabha elections, He is contesting against the official candidate of NDA. His action is anti-party.
It has been clearly stated in the letter issued that Pawan Singh is contesting the election, which has tarnished the image of the party. You (Pawan Singh) have done this work against party discipline by contesting elections. Therefore, you are expelled from the party as per the order of the Hon'ble State President for this anti-party work.
In a letter issued by state headquarters in-charge Arvind Sharma, it has been said that in the Lok Sabha elections, He is contesting against the official candidate of NDA. His action is anti-party.
It has been clearly stated in the letter issued that Pawan Singh is contesting the election, which has tarnished the image of the party. You (Pawan Singh) have done this work against party discipline by contesting elections. Therefore, you are expelled from the party as per the order of the Hon'ble State President for this anti-party work.