A bus from Uttar Pradesh with 40 passengers onboard has plunged into the Marsyangdi river in Tanahun district, a Nepal Police officer was quoted as saying. “The bus bearing number plate UP FT 7623 plunged into the river and is lying on the bank of the river,” DSP Deepkumar Raya from the District Police Office Tanahun confirmed. As per the official, the bus was en route to Kathmandu from Pokhara.
According to news agency ANI, at least 14 Indians have been killed in the accident. "So far, 14 bodies have been retrieved from the site of the bus accident," Kumar Neupane, spokesperson for the Armed Police Force, said. Local police personnel told ABP News that all the 40 passengers were tourists from India. The accident occurred in Aina Pahra of the Anvukhaireni area around 11 AM.
According to news agency ANI, at least 14 Indians have been killed in the accident. "So far, 14 bodies have been retrieved from the site of the bus accident," Kumar Neupane, spokesperson for the Armed Police Force, said. Local police personnel told ABP News that all the 40 passengers were tourists from India. The accident occurred in Aina Pahra of the Anvukhaireni area around 11 AM.