<p>In the lead-up to the Delhi elections, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s entry has once again stirred the political atmosphere. In the second round of campaigning, CM Yogi launched strong verbal attacks on the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), focusing on issues like corruption, the state of the Yamuna River, and poor road conditions. Amid these criticisms, a new model inspired by Yogi's governance in Uttar Pradesh has garnered attention in Delhi. BJP has promised to bring this "Yogi Model" to Delhi, drawing attention to its success in Uttar Pradesh. The model focuses on infrastructure development, improving law and order, and combating corruption. As the campaign intensifies, the BJP’s pitch for the Yogi Model is shaping the election discourse, with hopes of replicating his political success in Delhi.</p>
from Delhi Election 2025: Toxic Politics Over Yamuna Water! Haryana BJP Criticizes Kejriwal's Role | ABP News https://ift.tt/i3XlQEO
from Delhi Election 2025: Toxic Politics Over Yamuna Water! Haryana BJP Criticizes Kejriwal's Role | ABP News https://ift.tt/i3XlQEO