Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged off six Vande Bharat trains on Sunday for Jharkhand, Odisha, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh at Ranchi. Earlier, the PM was scheduled to flag off the trains from Tatanagar but his chopped could not take off due to poor visibility and inclement weather conditions.
Speaking on the occasion, Modi said there was a time when development was limited to certain cities of the country. "States like Jharkhand lagged in terms of modern development. But the approach of 'Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas' has changed the mentality of the country. Now the poor, Adivasi and Dalits are the priority of our nation," he added.
झारखंड में हिन्दुस्तान का सबसे समृद्ध राज्य बनने की क्षमता है। हमारी सरकार विकसित झारखंड, विकसित भारत के लिए संकल्पित है। आज टाटानगर में कई विकास परियोजनाओं का उद्घाटन और शिलान्यास कर गर्व की अनुभूति हो रही है।
/> — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 15, 2024
He also distributed sanction letters to 20,000 Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin (PMAY-G) beneficiaries in Tatanagar during the event which was also attended by Union Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan.
Speaking on the occasion, Modi said there was a time when development was limited to certain cities of the country. "States like Jharkhand lagged in terms of modern development. But the approach of 'Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas' has changed the mentality of the country. Now the poor, Adivasi and Dalits are the priority of our nation," he added.
झारखंड में हिन्दुस्तान का सबसे समृद्ध राज्य बनने की क्षमता है। हमारी सरकार विकसित झारखंड, विकसित भारत के लिए संकल्पित है। आज टाटानगर में कई विकास परियोजनाओं का उद्घाटन और शिलान्यास कर गर्व की अनुभूति हो रही है।
/> — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 15, 2024
He also distributed sanction letters to 20,000 Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin (PMAY-G) beneficiaries in Tatanagar during the event which was also attended by Union Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan.